July 12 @ 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Story Sphere – Seasoned Storytelling

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Story Sphere – Seasoned Storytelling

In ancient times, sharing stories around the hearth was an art form that helped build strong communities. Story Sphere is reestablishing the art of storytelling starting July 12th. Come join as Story Sphere introduces our key storytellers to the eastside. This is a community driven venture to bring our culturally diverse members to gather and share their tales. If you want to share a story, send the outline to: storysherecontact@gmail.com.

Rules for up-and-coming storytellers:
· Stories should be within 7 minutes. Keep it short and sweet.
· No hate words, political agendas, swear words, basically nothing you wouldn’t narrate at your dinner table to your grandparents and little kids.

This is a safe place for all.

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